Coronavirus Update

Hello friends and family,

Dentistry is an essential business and yes, we are open! We are doing everything, we can to keep you and our team safe, but we are asking for your cooperation patience and understanding. You will notice a lot of changes when you call us to schedule an appointment or come to visit us.

Some of the enhanced precautions we are taking are the following.

  • When you schedule an appointment, you will be asked some prescreening covid-19 questions. Patients who are experiencing any covid-19 symptoms will be asked to reschedule.
  • Appointments are being managed to allow for social distancing between patients.
  • We have installed air management systems and placed air purifiers throughout the office.
  • We have enhanced our operatory disinfection procedures even more by utilizing a fogging device to disinfect hard to reach places.
  • When you visit our office, we ask that you arrive on time for your appointment, rather than too early. This will minimize the amount of time you spend in our waiting room or reception area
  • We are asking our patients to please call or text us from your car and await further instructions on when to enter the building. We understand that we are in the heat of summer so rest assured that a member of our office will meet you as soon as they are able. If the weather reaches extremely high numbers you will be asked to come into the office where we will complete our check in process, while maintaining social distancing. Unless necessary (checking in a minor, the elderly, or patients with a disability) please do not bring others to your appointment.
  • When you enter the office, you will be asked to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
  • We are asking everyone to please wear a mask.
  • We will be taking your temperature with a touchless thermometer and ask you to fill out a COVID 19 questionnaire.

Remember, regular dental visits are an essential part of your overall heath. To keep our patients and staff safe we are following all CDC and ADA guidelines for treating patients during this pandemic. Please visit our website at for more information. As always if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you so much for your support.


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